Our Learning Enhancement Centre (LEC) is a wonderful space within our College community that is devoted to assisting students engage in the learning process. We provide adjustments to support diverse ways of learning and aim to support students’ specific needs.
Our dedicated team of professionals in the LEC are led by Mrs Caroline Morrison (LEC Coordinator) and Mrs Emily Westblade (LEC Teacher) who both carry a passion for the enhancement of learning for all students. Experienced and committed Educational Support Staff assist teachers from Prep-Year 12 with implementing strategies in the classroom to cater for students’ diverse educational needs.
The LEC team collaborates with teachers, parents/carers, students and therapeutic professionals to provide a range of adjustments and teaching methods enabling every learner to participate in the learning process.
Educational Support Staff (ESS) support students in the classroom in conjunction with teaching staff. Our ESS staff are highly valued, as they help facilitate learning by rewording or reworking concepts with students, offer individual and/or small group work within the classroom and build relationships with and between students. We promote an inclusive classroom and respect the diversity of students’ learning needs, which enriches our College community.
In the Primary school students are given the opportunity to access support on a small group basis for THRASS training in the LEC led by Mrs Emily Westblade. Our College uses THRASS (Teaching Handwriting, Reading And Spelling Strategies) from Prep. These focus sessions aim to further develop students’ skills in understanding and developing tools to incorporate the use of the THRASS in all aspects of their education.
The LEC promotes building relationships and community and has started running a variety of programs throughout the lunch periods. In the upper Primary school, Mrs Cath McMurry is leading a crocheting group called the ‘M’Ms’. The group is crocheting handbags using plastic bags in an effort to contribute to sustainable living. A range of activities run during lunch periods led by ESS staff and some teachers. These groups include but are not limited to the following:
• Chess Club – Mrs Tania Duthie
• Finger knitting – Mrs Caroline Morrison & Mrs Rebecca Sebit
• Mindfulness Colouring – Mrs Tania Duthie and Mrs Linda Featherstone
• Craft – Mrs Sarah Inglis and Mrs Christine Barlow
A Homework Club during Lunch 2 operates in the LEC led by Mrs Duthie and is available to Secondary students requiring additional support. A Homework Club is also available on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30-4:30pm for students in Year 6-12 and is led by our dedicated teaching staff members.
The LEC also supports students that require Individual Education Plans (IEPs). Mrs Morrison and Mrs Westblade liaise closely with teaching staff and ESS to ensure that students are provided with Individual Education Programs (IEPs) and/or adjustments in the classroom to promote growth and success. Student Support Group (SSG) meetings are held each semester for students who receive an IEP. Recognising and appreciating the diverse needs of students, adjustments can be provided in classrooms to benefit all students.
Students who require adjustments but don’t require an IEP are supported with a Consultation Document. This document alerts all their teachers to specific adjustments which assist in promoting their engagement and learning in the classroom.
The LEC, in consultation with teachers, assists the College in applying for Special Provision for VCE students. We are currently in consultation with EGF Solutions/Gforce Inclusive Employment to develop career and transition readiness skills in students with specific learning needs.
The LEC building provides a space for approved therapists to hold sessions with students during school hours. It also provides an alternate learning space for staff to work with a range of abilities with access to alternate seating options. Rooms are available for students to sit tests or exams within a quiet environment.
For students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in international assessments, Ballarat Christian College will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS Assessments this year. ICAS is designed to target students’ high-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies. Assessments are available to students from Years 4-10.
With experience and a commitment to ongoing training and development the LEC team meet regularly to adjust the way in which we offer quality support to our staff and students while striving to uphold our College values. The LEC promotes collaborate planning and partnership with families endeavouring to create a positive and enriching environment for learning to empower all students to reach their God-given potential!
Caroline Morrison LEC Coordinator and Emily Westblade LEC Teacher