College News

Yr9/10 LOTE: Cooking Crepes

February 19, 2021
La Fête de la Chandeleur (Candlemas) is a French tradition that is always celebrated on February 2. This is because it occurs exactly 40 days after Christmas and remembers when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus at the temple. In later years, people would bring candles to church to remember the event (les chandelles).
The Year 9/10 French class enjoyed learning about this French tradition and then making crêpes.
One of the students remarked on the link between these words and the word ‘chandelier’ that we use in English.
French people make crepes. It is also said that the round yellow crepe resembles le soleil (the sun) and people are glad that le soleil commence a arriver et la fin de l’hiver arrive (the sun is coming and the end of winter begins).  Bon Appétit!
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