College News

Reverse Advent Calendar Ballarat

November 18, 2021

This year as a school we are going to be participating in the Reverse Advent Calendar Ballarat.

Unlike a regular Advent Calendar where the focus is on receiving a treat every day the Reverse Advent Calendar takes the focus off receiving and places the focus on giving to others. 

A Reverse Advent Calendar begins as an empty box. Each day during December you place one item (non-perishable food, toiletries, Christmas treat) into the box. After 20 days your filled Reverse Advent Calendar is dropped off to York St Church of Christ where it is distributed by food relief agencies to people in your immediate community who are experiencing food insecurity. Here in Ballarat our boxes will be distributed to the Salvation Army, Anglicare, Uniting Care, the Ballarat Soup Bus, Wendouree West Exodus Community and Ballarat Community Health.  Each homeroom will have a box in the class and students are encouraged to bring in non-perishable items to fill the box, once the box is filled we will start another!

Some of the suggested items for the box are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned tuna, baked beans, soups, long life milk, juice, coffee, tea and milo, spreads such as vegemite, peanut butter or jam. Rice, pasta and noodles, cereal, muesli bars, toiletries, Christmas treat food.  Students can start bringing in items from Monday 22 November right up until the end of the year.

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