College News

Principal's Message: Term 2, 2021

July 15, 2021

The sense of ‘déjà vu’ probably summarises where we find ourselves as we reach the half-way point of the year. We all hoped that COVID-19 was largely in our rear-view mirror by this time, but unfortunately our optimism was dented by the realisation that a potential lockdown is never far away and that we have some way to go in this saga before it is truly behind us. The toll of repeated lockdowns upon our students and staff is very real as we struggle with the uncertainty of daily living. Not surprisingly, our Student Wellbeing Team are extremely busy supporting students who are finding times tough, and we are all grateful for their expertise and efforts in this area.

Despite being constrained by continuing COVID-19 restrictions, the College sought to provide as close-to-normal school experience for our students in Term 2. We were able to hold the College Athletics Carnival early in the term and (mostly) complete the Primary swimming program at the Swim and Survival Centre. Unfortunately, the senior Christian Studies retreat scheduled near the end of term was postponed, not because of COVID-19, but on account of storm damage to the camp venue in the Trentham area. I am pleased that we have secured an alternate date for the retreat, which is now scheduled to be held in early September.

During the first semester I have been very impressed by the leadership shown by our College Captains, supported by all students in the Year 12 cohort. They have demonstrated their leadership on several fronts, including mentoring some of our Year 10 students, organising and leading student prayer groups and providing leadership of the Student Senate. I meet with the College Captains on a weekly basis, which provides an opportunity for the communication and discussion of student concerns and ideas.

Term 3 will be a busy term, as we conduct several camps, excursions and incursions, some of which were held over from earlier dates due to COVID-19 restrictions. It is also the term when we begin the planning process for the following year, as our senior secondary students make their subject choices for the year ahead. As we prepare for the new term, I trust that staff and students will enjoy some down time during the Winter break. I pray that our whole community will know God’s blessing of peace, health and safety during the break and that we will start the new term refreshed and ready for what God has in store for our College.  Ken Nuridin - Principal

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