This week the Primary students voted for their classroom SRC representative. With the return to face-to-face teaching on Thursday we were able to hold the annual badging ceremony.
The Primary Student Representative Council (SRC) provides a student voice into the decision-making process at
the College. It also provides students from Years 3-6 an opportunity to democratically elect student leaders from
amongst their cohort to represent them on the Primary SRC. Student leaders, including all students in the senior
year level, have the opportunity to participate in a student leadership incursion or excursion.
The Primary SRC representatives for 2021 are:
Year 3Captains: Ava & Marcus
Vice Captains: Tori & Baxter
Year 4Captains: Alex & Oliver
Vice Captains: Violet & Duke
Year 5Captains: Izabella & Ethan
Vice Captains: Evelyn & Isaac
Year 6Captains: Alice & William S
Vice Captains: Emily & Jordy