College News

Primary Chapel Term 4 - Friendship

October 14, 2021

Primary Chapel Term 4 - Friendship

Do you like to pretend and imagine? You'll enjoy this episode of Online Chapel if you do. Lookout for the creeping, crawling and growling ladybugs too. A 'hip hop, rap, tap tapping, flapping Missy Pickletoe introduces a very special and wonderfully narrated FRIENDSHIP segment and a man with no arms and legs will challenge you about your friendship motives. You won't be wanting KFC because our resident chickens will peck their way into your hearts and don't skip any parts or you'll miss God's message which is TRUE and REALLY IMPORTANT. ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Pre-Lockdown Footage is contained, and Miss O'Hara's neighbours showed restraint by not calling the police as they watched her film.

The link to the Primary Chapel video is available in this week's Connect email.


Melissa O'Hara

Junior School Chapel Coordinator

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