Primary Students are currently participating in an Athletics program during Physical Education classes this term. The Upper Primary classes are enjoying and benefitting from expert coaching by Emma from Athletics Australia who is assisting Miss Melissa O'Hara for 4 sessions to improve student's skills. Funding for these sessions along with extra equipment to run similar sessions with the Prep and Middle and Lower Primary classes is provided by the Australian Sporting Schools program.
Sporting Schools is a $320 million Australian Government initiative designed to help schools increase children's participation in sport and connect them with community sport opportunities. Research shows that quality sport and physical activity in schools has a positive influence on children’s confidence, competence and motivation to be active at school and throughout their life.
The objectives of Sporting Schools are to:
• improve children’s fundamental movement skills to encourage lifelong participation in physical activity
• increase the awareness of the value of sport in schools
• engage children in high quality sporting programs
• connect children with sport in their local communities
• develop the capability and capacity of sport to drive nationwide participation growth.
To learn more about Sporting Schools head to: