Catherine began teaching in 1995, mostly as a Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) and Fixed Term Contract teacher. She has had experience in teaching all levels of Primary, including Art and Library as a Specialist teacher. After taking a break to raise her two daughters she commenced at BalCC as a CRT. This has expanded her experience into Secondary teaching.
Catherine now works at the College in the capacity of Admin Support to the Learning Enhancement Centre, and Educational Support Officer. She gets to enjoy the best of both worlds; both actively engaging with students in the classroom and tapping away at the keyboard while undertaking her Administration duties. It has been said that she ‘wears many hats’ around the College.
Her hobbies include crochet, sewing, recycling and upsizing; often making craft items out of recycled materials. She has been fortunate enough to be able to infuse her hobbies into the classroom and enthuse the students with creative ideas.