College News

BalCC Secondary Scholarships

October 21, 2021

Secondary Scholarships at BalCC


A limited number of scholarships are available for students entering Year 7 at Ballarat Christian College in 2022. Scholarships are awarded for three years, and students may reapply in Year 9 for a further 3 year scholarship for the remainder of their secondary schooling at the College. As this is the introductory year of this scholarship scheme at the College, the following simplified process will apply for all applicants for a scholarship:


  • Applications must be lodged by 4pm Friday, 12th November
  • Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation. This letter should be from a person who knows the applicant well and is well placed to comment on the applicant’s character attributes, integrity and any other relevant factors that would commend the applicant for consideration for a scholarship. Examples of appropriate people who could provide a letter of support include the applicant’s church pastor, youth pastor, sports coach or noted member of the community (e.g., councillor or other well-regarded community identity). Letters of recommendation cannot be accepted from a member of the applicant’s family or extended family.
  • Academic reports:
  • New enrolments: copies of all school reports for Year 5 and Year 6 to date (may be supplied either in hard copy or sent electronically).
  • Current enrolments: the College will access and take into consideration all Year 5 and Year 6 College academic reports to date
  • Applicants may be requested to attend an interview, at the Principal’s discretion.


The Principal will convene a scholarship panel to consider scholarship applications. Scholarships will be awarded up to the value of 50% off the regular applicable tuition fee, but do not include the cost of uniforms, books or stationery, extra-curricular activities or other fees or levies. The number of scholarships, the amount awarded and any award will be at the discretion of the Principal.


Applicants and parents should note that the College will seek reimbursement of the value of tuition fees that were discounted under the scholarship if the student leaves the College before the expiration of the scholarship period.


For further information or to apply for a College scholarship, please contact the College office on 5337 5900.

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