The after school Homework club has commenced again for Term 2 for Secondary and Year 6 students.
This is a service offered at no extra charge to parents. Homework Club offers the students the chance to get some extra help or just get some homework done straight after school.
The program is run by Mr Preston, Mrs Kemp and Mrs Coventry and other teachers as they are available. The venue will be the Science Lab (S1) and the program will run from 3:30 until 4:30pm every Wednesday unless otherwise notified.
Attendance at this program is optional, but if your child would like to take advantage of Homework Club, even just on a casual basis, we would love to see him or her there. Please email
if you would like your child to attend our Homework program. Include in the email the Subject heading: Homework Club and in the message include your child’s name. You can also send a text to the College mobile number to let us know that your child will be attending Homework Club. Please remember to include your child’s name and sender’s name. If you have any questions about Homework club, please ask your child’s Homeroom Teacher.