College News

BalCC Blazer

February 24, 2022

Our uniform supplier, PSW currently have 50% off our current College blazer. From the commencement of 2023 the

College blazer will be mandatory for students from Years 7-11. From 2024 onwards the blazer will be mandatory for students from Years 7-12.


A new-look blazer will become available during 2022. We will be sourcing this blazer from a different supplier and as such, this blazer will only be available for purchase from the College. The new blazer will have the same colour and logo as the current blazer, but with some added trim that will help the new blazer to stand out from other schools in our area that have a similar blazer. All other uniform items will continue to be available from PSW.


There is no set ‘expiry’ date for the older blazer – students may continue to wear the older blazer for as long as the item remains in good condition. Students will not be permitted to wear any blazer (or indeed any other uniform item) that is in poor or worn condition.

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