College News

Alumni News: Class of 2017

September 2, 2021

ALUMNI NEWS:  Hayden Rees attended BalCC for all of his secondary schooling and graduated in the Class of 2017, with career aims of working as an actor and pursuing his interests in photography. Today Hayden is working as a Drama teacher at Curtain Call Performing Arts Studios and is studying a Bachelor of Performing Arts (Acting and Music Theatre) at the Ballarat Arts Academy at Federation University.  Here Hayden shares some of his experiences since graduation.

“Ever since I left Ballarat Christian College, I was worried about what I was going to do afterwards. But I learned that I should always put God first, and that He always has a plan. In 2018, I worked as a drama teacher at Curtain Call Performing Arts Studios (I have been performing with Curtain Call for fifteen years) and I performed in the musical, ‘Grease’ with the studio. I did an internship at Hilltop Church, and I completed a Certificate III in Photography at Oxygen College.

In 2019, I continued my work at Curtain Call.  I performed in the musicals, ‘Chicago’, and ‘Mary Poppins’ as ‘Mr Banks’.  I completed a Certificate II in Dance and Theatre Studies at Aus Dance. I performed in community events and dance competitions including the Wakakirri Dance Festival and Ballarat Carols by Candlelight. I appeared as an extra in a football movie, where I got to act alongside actor, Brett Climo  (best known for his work in ‘A Place to Call Home’). I took singing lessons in Melbourne with actor, Thomas McGuane. I auditioned to study at the Ballarat Arts Academy at Federation University and after a two week process where I had to perform Shakespeare, sing, and dance I was accepted into the course.

In 2020, I appeared as an extra in the movie, ‘Road to Boston’, which was filmed locally in Ballarat. I began my journey studying a Bachelor of Performing Arts (Acting and Music Theatre) at the Ballarat Arts Academy. In the course I learnt new skills in acting, singing, and dancing. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic I was only on campus for three weeks. We had to transfer the whole first year course to online. It was great that we could continue, however it did have its challenges. I believe, though that the pandemic has made us stronger as a group. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the arts and entertainment industry have been going through a tough time. Over 10,000 people who work in the industry have lost their jobs and shows all over Australia have been postponed or cancelled. To help struggling artists I created and started an online show called ‘Let’s Go on With the Show’, with the aim to raise awareness of the arts and entertainment industry. Some of the guests I got to interview included students from Curtain Call, BalCC Alumni Ella Bedggood and Genevieve Withers, performers - Patricia Ward Kelly, Tarik Frimpong, Samantha Dodemaide, Stephen Mahy, and Michael Whalley.

In 2021, we got to go back to campus, and it was great to see people in person, and learn new techniques which included accents, mock auditions, and film and television acting. In June, I finally got to perform in live show; it has been a year since I last performed on the stage. The play was called, ‘Metamorphoses’. We would rehearse the play four days a week and we only had four weeks of rehearsals. In the play, I played a narrator, a villainous creature named ‘Hunger’, and an old man named, ‘Philemon’. It was a great learning and acting challenge. It was exciting that we were able to perform to an audience. We are hoping to perform in another show at the end of the year.

The main advice that I would give to people who are currently studying whether it is high school, or university is to make sure you take time for yourself. Do things that make you happy. It can be drawing, cooking, watching a movie, listening to music, or reading. It is important to look after yourself, particularly during this pandemic. I also recommend praying and going for a walk to get some fresh air. It can really clear your mind. Other advice I can give is talk to friends, family, and teachers. Always remember that there are people who love and support you. Always be grateful, and take care of yourself, and the people around you.

““For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.””  Jeremiah 29:11

“Be strong and courageous. Do not afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9

“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney

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